Discover Maltese Festivals
Malta’s main religious denomination is Roman Catholic, and hence religious celebrations are a core part of the Maltese events calendar. The months of June, July, August and September are ‘full to bursting’ with parishes celebrating their respective patron saints. This is the time of year the locals fondly call the ‘festa’ season. Every town and village celebrates in a similar manner, with both indoor religious functions and outdoor festivities. The latter are the more secular aspect of the feasts, with ground and air firework displays, band marches and revelry. Churches are decked out in the parishes’ finest: drapes, silver and all sorts of ornamentation dazzle the eye during the village ‘festa’. Processions with the patron saint statue meander through village streets decorated with lights and beautiful banners – ‘pavaljuni’, accompanied by bands and devotees. Locals make sure that their homes are in best possible shape for this special occasion, as oftentimes the village ‘festa’ brings guests and extended family to their doors. No summer holiday in Malta is complete without a visit to one of these colourful, exuberant and yet holy celebrations.
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Discover Maltese Festivals
Malta’s main religious denomination is Roman Catholic, and hence religious celebrations are a core part of the Maltese events calendar (12/04/2012)
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